Monday 17 December 2012

OMG ! lama tak update :(

Hai :) Hows your day ? good ? tahniah . mine not really good . SPM is over but  my problem havent solved yet . ;( bad feeling , bad time , bad day , worst ! and these day , i keep talking to myself . my bro pun ckp jue da gila since habis exam . hey , im not crazy . :( theres nothing wrong to talk to yourself . Bubble said so . :P

so , my first plan to do after SPM was taking those ujian LESEN yg membebankan . tak ready lg sebenarnya . but i have to . :/ that buku undang2 pun tak habis revise lagi . and im not gonna to revise that! muahahaha . hope that after jue dapat lesen , i can travel to anywhere i wanttt !


hope that jue tak langgar org . goshh . seram ! haha , btw jue tak habis lagi ujian komputer . baru daftar and dengar ceramah dia . that ceramah pnye org keep asking me . -_- really making my nerve . haha , kalau x tau jwpan , msti kena bahan . untung la org tu da ada lesen  kan . korang pun da ada lesen . mesti best :O wish me luck !! have a great day guys . i love you .

happy is good :)

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