Saturday 7 January 2012

i miss the OLD ANTI MALAYSIA page on FB !!

atas ni . haha, ok! nak tahu tak. jue pernah mengindoo dgn those indon yg SELALU cari pasal dgn Malaysia! start dari page FAM (Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia). ni pun sbb kwn rekemen page tu . haha!  then, that page dah semakin SUNYI~~~~~~! from that page, jue kenal Cerinza, Ejad, Jackie, Ashen, Zack, Aliya, Sushii, kak Linda, Ara, Asfar, Azri, Kerol, Raffa, Fazril, Julia Cool, Anna, Afiq, Aiman, Jarum, and ELSE! !  terlalu banyak untuk disebut!! i miss that page so MUCH! nowwwww! jue dah tinggalkan page tu. dan skang jue join page Anti Malaysia (Malingsia). indon suka sgt x puas hati dgn malaysia. but, i dont know why. bila jue tanya, dorng ckp, "MALON MALING BATIK'' and so on.. really PATHETIC! kita kan serumpun. why shud kita gaduh mcm ni??! tapikan,, gaduh2 mcm ni pun best taw! boleh released tension. BETUL! actually kan, jue tau ramai indon yg join page tu atas dasar SUKA dan for FUN. tp, half of them, ramai yg take it SERIOUSLY! damn! haha! from that page, i knew SITORA! big brother with his green colour. Lulu, Amigul, Shizox (i dont remember his name), Ana, Sya, RK, Adham, Leo, Atira Kachak, Amanda , Atirah (mama), Maya, Hidayah,Helmi, Lemur, Mikhailand else! that BATCH of gang AM really2 happening! but,, when those NEWBIE comes,, it changed 70% of our friendship in there. newbie sombong! bajet taiko! pastu ada hati nak gaduh dgn otai! -_- really ANNOYing. ok lah, need to go. i love Malaysia!!!!!! and INDO. little bit. ;P byebye! lagi satu! post newbie semua BAJET CUN. SYOK SENDIRI! really dont like it :( I MISS THE OLDBIE so MUCH!! benci NEWBABI,, eh silap!!!! NEWBABIE. haha!!!

1 comment:

  1. malaysia tukang curi budaya orang FUCK


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